Iguana Education
We specialize in removing nuisance iguanas. Iguanas are a non-native species of reptile living here in South Florida. These lizards vary from green, brown and yellowish – orange in color. Iguanas are native to Southern Mexico, Central America, South America and Caribbean Islands. Florida has the perfect terrain and climate for them to live.
Problems with Iguanas
The common problem with them is that they love to use the decks of pools, sea walls, and sometimes the roof of houses as a latrine. This naturally causes an odor and can lead to health problems for humans and their pets. Iguanas also love to eat plants and flowers around your house or in the garden. Replacing your landscaping on a regular basis can get expensive! These reptiles can be dangerous if encountered by humans or pets. They have sharp claws and long tails that they use to whip their predators with. Their bite can be strong and can cause damage if bitten.
How to trap Iguanas
Trapping iguanas can be hard if not using the proper traps and bait. Iguanas vary in size so it can be difficult for a non-experienced trapper to tell what trap is perfect for a particular size. The traps must be placed in the right location and facing the right direction to get the iguanas to walk into them. We have been studying the best way to trap wildlife for years. We have the knowledge and proper equipment to outsmart any lizard. The best way to trap an iguana – “Call us!”